January 25, 2009

the woes of unit circles and parliamentry procedure.

This weekend I went on yet another debate tournament, where, unfortunately, i did not debate. my partner didnt want to. So i did a speech and student congress.
Heres the thing.
I HATE congress so much, there is this set of rules called parliamentry procudures, makes me hate britain. So my rounds consist of me and a friend making jokes and crappy speeches. So lets just say I didn't do well :) because of said debate tournament, and we will forget about the fun on saturday night, i have left my homework to now. 
memorizing unit circles is so fun.

January 12, 2009

i <3 alysa.

i love this gorgeous girl.

finals...kill me...

With the end of semester comes a time I hate...Finals. Unfortunately i happen to be a poor test taker, so now is a time of stress.  But, life is good and i still manage to have fun. Last weekend I went to spokane with debate. I did a lot of work...as the pictures demonstrate :) I ended up breaking to finals in my ed. com. I got fifth place, decent but can definitely use improvement. I have three or four more debate tournaments for the year and then its over. It went by fast! Right now I'm procrastinating studying for my first two finals, history and chemistry. It's the latter I'm totalyyy screwed in, I cannot do science for the life of me. Besides, who needs to know about balancing equations. 

--hailey egg

this is where boredum gets you...

im starting a blog! dont know why, and i honestly dont know if i'll keep it up. but it sure does look like fun :) being bored can get you anywhere, for me it gets you a blog.